
May 102014

Today is a special day: Mother’s Day. Today I am filled with so many wonderful feelings.

I remember hearing Baba Ram Dass speak of the first time he realized that his guru had unconditional love for him and what an impression that had on him. As I listened to him, it made me realize that I was a truly blessed child, born to an amazing, loving woman with unconditional love for her children. I was not always the easiest child but my mother was always loving and understanding. Even when I did something wrong, she was able to talk to me and explain how to be a better person. She was able to get her points across without ever resorting to hitting me or yelling and I had total respect for her. She taught us love and compassion for others. She taught us to never judge others who were different from us. She taught us it was okay to talk to strangers and make new friends. (It was a different world then, but I still do that even now.)

Rosie as child

My mom loved to tell jokes and it was her own laughter before she said the anticipated punch line that made her delivery so precious. She taught me the wonderful lesson that laughter was the greatest medicine and it kept my family sane during tough times. I think one of her greatest gifts was her wonderful hugs; it was like being wrapped in the arms of the Goddess of Love and Compassion. She could comfort any pains a child could experience with those hugs. Whenever I have a rough day, before I go to bed,I close my eyes and imagine being a child in her loving arms.


3411962467_2fb8791c91Have you even been hugged by a Saint? Every year a living saint Mata Amritanaandamayi (known throughout the world  as “Ammachi” or “Amma” which means mother) comes to New York as part of her worldwide tour, this year in July. She will hug 100’s of people a day, spreading love and compassion. People are so taken by her love that they often break down crying from just one hug. Her entire life has been dedicated to alleviating the pain and suffering (both physical and emotional) of all. In this incarnation, Amma has hugged over 34 million people and raises money for charity. I try to make it my business to take family and friends along with me to get hugged by her. When asked where she gets the energy to help so many people, she answers: “Where there is true love, anything is effortless.”

Today, as we celebrate and honor mothers, I wanted to share a quote by Ammach from a speech at the Global Peace Initiative of Women’s Religious and Spiritual Leaders (October 7, 2002):

“The essence of motherhood is not restricted to women who have given birth: it is a principle inherent in both women and men. It is an attitude of the mind. It is love – and that love is the very breath of life. No one would say, ‘I will breath only when I am with my family and friends; I won’t breathe in front of my enemies.’ Similarly, for those in whom motherhood has awakened, love and compassion for everyone are as much part of their being as breathing.


So to all the men and women, today and everyday, in the spirit of motherhood, I hope you will practice the attitude of compassion. Say out loud (or silently) “I love you” to every soul you come across… yes, even your enemies… and with this love, we can change the world for the better.

I wish you all a wonderful day… may Divine Love and light surround you and give you peace, strength and joy and may your day be filled with blessings.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Divine Mother Within Us 3





May 082014


May 8th is the day of the birth of my mentor and dear friend, Rajita Sivananda, formally known as Judith Cornell. She is the award-winning author of Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing, The Mandala Healing Kit, Drawing the Light From Within, and many other wonderful books.  I think of Rajita often but yesterday and today I am filled with thoughts and memories, and joys of our times together and the wonderful phone conversations we shared.

It was 24 years ago that I took my first mandala class with Judith at Omega Institute. It was such a spiritual opening and joy for me that I continued to study with her, soon becoming one of her assistants and eventually, her co-facilitator.

In 1979, Rajita, had a spiritual awakening and her art changed dramatically. She started to teach mandala classes that helped participants to use mandalas as a tool for self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

The picture I have attached is one that I took at the last mandala training she presented. We were in the middle of our sand mandala dissolution, and I remember thinking that this would probably be our last training together.  Judith had confided in me about the condition of her health, stage 4 cancer and yet, she looked radiant and beautiful and I recall how even until the very last day of this life, she looked beautiful.

At her last teleconference, she relayed to her beloved students that she would not be in this body for much longer, and that if we were feeling loss and suffering, that we should work through that, because we are seeing it from the ego. “If you remember me from the heart and love, we will be together. I will be with you.“

Rajita is remembered as a bringer of light on the planet.

Rajita had a good passing. She was surrounded the whole week with close friends and family. We chanted the Mahamrityunjaya chant in the room adjacent to her bedroom. We read to her and the apartment was filed with feelings of love and light. She passed in peace and with presence.

Rajita at the fire ceremony in Hawaii where she received her new name.I learned so much from Rajita. Some of the many gifts I received from her include:

  • The gift of silence
  • The importance of holding strong intentions for everything you do or want to create.
  • How to create and hold sacred space
  • When in a state of worry, to take the mountain view, – from perspective your problems don’t often seem so great.
  • Remember to create and speak from the HEART not the head.
  • Never label anyone in a negative role. That only holds them there. See everyone as a reflection of God
  • Before you teach a class, hold in your heart the soul of every participant and assistant, even before they show up, even if you haven’t met them before. Hold that their highest good be supported and their soul will flower and flourish.
  • We are reflecting and transmitting light in our drawings and remember that we are not the doers , we are receiving this Divine light and expressing it.

I am very grateful that our lives have so beautifully intertwined. and until we meet again, know that I love you.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti

Mar 252014

This past weekend, I attended the 3rd Annual “It’s All Good” event, organized by be the example, a 501(c)3 organization created to provide opportunities to inspire and empower others to recognize and embrace the gifts that lay in the heart (compassion, kindness, gratitude, love, understanding) and to pay them forward.

What is “it’s all good!”? Let’s start with what it is not. It is not a health and wellness fair, not a psychic fair, not a symposium, expo or a conference and not a festival. It is a unique event, a gathering, created to provide a “feel good” day to all who attend. It is a day to feed your soul, expand your mind and feel connected.

We facilitated a communal sand mandala and were honored to be a part of this lovely event and meet so many wonderful people.  Thank you so much to Debbie Goldman for organizing “It’s All Good” and inviting us to participate.

 ItsAllGood (12)

View more photos from this event

Jan 122014


Always With You

I started this mandala years ago, after a dream-like awakening one night. It had been sitting in an art drawer, unfinished, but basically fell out on me recently, practically asking me to be finished.

This is where the inspiration came from. I was awakened from a deep sleep by the phone ringing at 3 o’clock in the morning. It was the computer line ringing (these were the days of dial-up Internet) so I thought it might be someone trying to reach us in an emergency situation. I ran to the other room and picked up the receiver. All I heard was a dial tone… but then I noticed the ironing board next to the phone. I had left the iron on!

I felt so lucky to be drawn into that room and made aware of it before it started a fire. I said aloud, “thank you guardian angel!” for that wake up phone call. I walked back to my bedroom and mentally asked “if you are my guardian angel, who are you? What do you look like?” Then I realized “oh, if you are energy, you need not have a physical body.”  I got back in bed and looked over to my husband to see if he was awake to tell how blessed, protected and grateful I felt.

I looked over at him and in the bed next to me was this elder Native American with a shaved head and long, beautiful hair flowing down the center like a long, straight Mohawk. I didn’t have my glasses on (I am quite nearsighted) but I stared at this face… laying there, asleep, at peace. I knew that if I put on my glasses I would see my husband’s face and the apparition would be gone.

I have been curious to know what Native Americans painted their faces and shaved their heads like that. My gut feeling it that it is from the NE US. If you have an idea, do let us know. Peace .

Jan 102014

Jai Lakshmi 6326

It was with great joy, reverence and excitement to, after working on and off for a few months, add the final dot of paint (the bindu) to my Lakshmi painting this week.

In the Hindu tradition Lakshmi (or Mahalakshmi) is the goddess of abundance, beauty, light and good fortune.  She brings wealth to both the physical and spiritual worlds. Lakshmi is the divine partner of Lord Vishnu, giving him the wealth needed for sustenance of creation. Her two elephants represent the worldly wealth, as does her garment colors of red and gold.

Although many worship Lakshmi for success, legend says that Lakshmi she does not reside long with those that are lazy and are seeking only wealth. Find more info on Lakshmi here.

This the mantra for Lakshmi:

Shri Maha Lakshmi Namo Namah
Dhan Pradaye Namo Namah
Vishnu Prayayi Namo Namah
Vishawa Jannanya Namo Namah

The painting was done in the classic Hindu painting technique of Harish Johari. I learned this method from both Pieter Weltvrede and Mavis Gewant, who have kept Johari’s tradition going. Many thanks to them both for without my years  of studying with them, I would never have been able to achieve these results.

Below are the various stages of creating the painting:

       DSCN3100 (1)     DSCN3104    Lakshmi unfinished low

Nov 042013

I love creating all kinds of mandalas from the various wisdom traditions and with a variety of materials.

Creating mandalas is a way of quieting the mind, focusing our energies and tuning into spiritual concepts. A yantra (Sanskrit for “instrument”) is one type of geometric mandala.  A yantra usually contains sacred geometry that has been passed down through the Hindu tradition.

Meditating on a mandala draws you to the bindu (the center of the mandala) and enables you to go inward and discover your true nature. The bindu is the cosmic center of the yantra and represents  the origin of the supreme consciousness from which everything comes forth and to which everything returns.

This is a basic Mahamrityunjaya yantra that I painted last year. First I constructed the yantra in the center and then I added symmetrical designs called vedic squares. Then I enhanced the painting with some images I choose and added several washes and layers to achieve the final result.

Maha-Mritunjaya   Maha Mritunjaya 2 

 Maha-Mritunjaya-3    Maha-Mritunjaya-4


While creating your mandala, you hold sacred space and prayer in your mind. The mantra that is chanted for this mandala is hailed by the sages as the heart of the Vedas and is said to help you tune into the healing force that is always at work within you. You might be familiar with this sacred Sanskrit chant as it has been sung by many New Age singers lately:


Tryambakam yajamahe

Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam

Urvarukamiva bandhanan

Mrityor mukshiya mamritat

Simple translation : Om. We worship three-eyed Lord Siva, who is fragrant and who nourishes and nurtures all beings. As the ripened cucumber on the vine will hang until cut by the gardener, Lord Siva, liberate us from death to immortality.

This powerful mantra is said to remove obstacles and the fear of death and bring happiness and health to life. You can hear these verses here.

May you be filled with health and bliss and love.

Sep 262013

I attended a Sacred Yantra Painting Intensive with Mavis Gewant and Pieter Weltevrede this past weekend. They both were very close students of the late Tantric Artist and Yogi Shri Harish Johari.  It was a wonderful class at Ananda Ashram in Monroe NY.

We each created a Hindu yantra, and/or deity painting done in gouache and watercolors. I also brought many pieces that I had started and got the expert advice I needed to finish them.

Below are a few photos from this event. (More here.)

Sacred Yantra Painting (24)

  Sacred Yantra Painting (22) Sacred Yantra Painting (17)

Sep 262013

We had a fun packed evening of art, music and beauty at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors this weekend for their Autumnal Equinox Celestial Celebration and Full Moon Ceremony. On Saturday, September 21 we gathered for meditation, dancing, live painting, fire spinning, a laser-light show and even a wedding! (Congratulations again to the happy couple!)

Our contribution was a communal sand mandala. Below are a few photos from the event. (The full album can be viewed here.)


Alex and Allyson Grey officiate a wedding at the Autumnal Equinox. Congratulations to David and Joe, now united in love.

Alex and Allyson Grey officiate a wedding at the Autumnal Equinox.
Congratulations to David and Joe, now united in love.


Rosie with Allyson and Alex Grey at the Autumnal Equinox   Communal Sand Mandala at the Autumnal Equinox

Autumnal Equinox at CoSM

View more photos from this event here.

Aug 302013

The DrUUmatics were on News 12! (Don’t blink or you might miss us.)

We performed at a rally in Mineola Thursday night to support homeowners affected by Hurricane Sandy who are still waiting for FEMA aid 10 months after the storm. FEMA has not provided coverage to many Americans displaced or affected by the storm because of a loophole in the national flood insurance law (any property loss caused by earth movement – even if that movement was caused by a flood – is not covered).

View news footage here, courtesy of News 12 Long Island.









Aug 192013

Check out some of our beautiful pictures from the grounds at the Chapel of Sacred Mirrors. On August 4, we got to meet Chris Dyer, graffiti artist extraordinaire after his live graffiti demo and workshop.

His finished graffiti piece is below…

Chris Dyer graffiti piece   Rosie with Chris Dyer and partner