Past Event Photos


Coming Soon



Full Moon Gathering & Celebration
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(November 2015)

Autumnal Equinox Celestial Celebration
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(September 2015)

Visionary Art Intensive
Omega Institute
(June 2015)

Full Moon Gathering & Workshop
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(June 2015)








Winter Solstice
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(December 2014)


Full Moon Gathering
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(August 2014)


Mandala: The Art of Sacred Symbols for Healing & Awakening
BTE Center for
Conscious Living
(June 2014)

CoSM Summer Solstice (June 2014)

Summer Solstice
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(June 2014)

Full Moon Gathering Ceremony and Celebration (May 2014)

Full Moon Gathering
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(May 2014)








The Mandala: Expressing Your Inner Light (May 2014)

The Mandala: Expressing Your Inner Light
Chapel of Sacred Mirrors
(May 2014)

Winter Solstice Celestial Celebration Chapel of Sacred Mirrors (December 2013)

3rd Annual It’s All Good
NYIT de Seversky Mansion
(March 2014)








Autumnal Equinox

Winter Solstice Celestial Celebration
Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(December 2013)

Autumnal Equinox

Autumnal Equinox Celestial Celebration
Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(September 2013)

Sacred Yantra Painting (23)

Sacred Yantra Painting Intensive
Ananda Ashram
(September 2013)

Rosie with "Self Portrait"

Painting with Light
with Amanda Sage

Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(August 2013)

Visionary Art Intensive(July 2013)

23rd Annual Visionary Art Intensive
Omega Institute
(July 2013)








Michael and Eileen at CoSM

Mandalas of Love:
Pre-Full Moon Workshop
Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(May 2013)

Eileen M. Rose with Communal Sand Mandala

Communal Sand Mandala
It’s All Good
(March 2013)








Communal Sand Mandala

Visionary Art Intensive
with Alex & Allyson Grey
Omega Institute
(July-August 2012)

Communal Sand Mandala

Mandala: Creating Within the Sacred Circle
Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(July 2012)














Communal Sand Mandala

Day of Drum and Dance
South Nassau Unitarian Universality Congregation
(September 2010)








Rosendale Drum Fest

Rosendale Drum Fest
Elders Drum Project
(October 2009)

Children's Mandala Class

Children’s Mandala Class
Long Island
(January 2009)








Soul to Soul

Soul2Soul Square Foot Summer Show
Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(August 2008)

Mandala Facilitation Training

Circles for Healing: Mandala Facilitation Training
Mount Madonna Center
(February 2008)

Artwork by Eileen M. Rose

Hewlett Woodmere Art Department Exhibition
Hewlett Woodmere Public Schools
(March 2008)








Mandala: Illuminating the Sacred Circle

Mandala: Illuminating
the Sacred Circle
Healing Center
(March 2007)

Mandala Facilitation Training

Circles for Healing
Facilitation Training
Mount Madonna Center
(February 2007)

Mandala: Illuminating the Sacred Circle

Mandala: Illuminating the Sacred Circle
Healing Center
(January 2007)









Mandala: Illuminating the Sacred Circle

Mandala: Illuminating
the Sacred Circle
Local Staff
Development Day
(November 2006)

Sandie's Bosom Buddies

Race for the Cure
(September 2006)

Mike and Rosie with Alex and Allyson Grey

Contemporary Mandalas
Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(May 2006)

Claude Monet Lesson

Claude Monet
Children’s Art Lesson

Early Childhood Center (May 2006)








Adding finishing touches to the shields

CoSM Kids Power
Shield-Making Class

Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(April 2006)

Explaining the process

The Mandala:
Sacred Circle
Eyes of Learning
(April 2006)







Showing off the finished masks

CoSM Kids
Mask-Making Class
Chapel of
Sacred Mirrors
(October 2005)

Communal Sand  Mandala for Peace

Sand Mandala
for Peace

Jean Houston’s
Mystery School
(May 2005)








Creating the sand mandala

The Mandala:
Sacred Circle

The Eyes of Learning
(October 2004)

Sand Mandala for Peace

Sand Mandala
for Peace

Jean Houston’s
Mystery School
(May 2004)








Check out upcoming events