Sep 282010

This past Saturday, on September 25th, I was honored and privileged to take part in A Day of Drum and Dance and facilitate a communal sand mandala at the South Nassau Unitarian Universalist Congregation in Freeport, NY. What an amazing day of community and celebration, with rhythm, dance, spirit and soul!

The day featured John “Jembe John” Ward teaching traditional African rhythms, Nydia “Liberty” Mata teaching Latin rhythms, Khadyjah Harper-Alleyne teaching traditional West African rhythms and dances, the beautiful and graceful Janeena teaching Middles Eastern belly dancing, and Edwina Lee Tyler stirring all our souls with her spiritual drumming class. Her teaching, singing and performance touched us all on a deep level and opened our hearts.

The turnout was great, but more important than that was that the energy of the group was awesome. It truly represented the group intention we held in our hearts as we did the communal mandala: to create peace though community. Like the Unitarian Universalists that hosted the gathering, we held that our drumming and dancing would break down all barriers and differences, unite us in love and light… We held that we would have unconditional love for all regardless of age, race, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, familial structure, income or abilities and remember that we are all ONE.

Thank you to the UU of Freeport, all teachers, participants, and the hardworking, dedicated, organizers Sharon Nanos, Lauren D’Angelo, Gretchen Rieger, Terri Rubenstein, and Gail Goldstein, etc. I send my love and gratitude.

Sep 232010

Last night marked the beginning of Fall – the Autumnal Equinox.

It is a time of harvesting and giving thanks for our bounties while preparing for the winter ahead. It is also a time to think about planning what you want to create… As Spring is a time of birth and new beginnings, Autumn is a time when things begin to shed. The leaves change colors and animals prepare for the coming cold.

This is a time of becoming aware of ones fragility and with the increasing hours of night, a time to go within – not just physically, but to go within our minds as well, reflecting on life’s meaning. As this is also a time associated with the dead, it is a good time to remember those we loved that have passed, remembering the gifts they left with us.

As we put the dying leaves in our gardens for mulch, we can also get rid of old thought forms that may have taught us good lessons but that we no longer need to hold on to. This includes things that made us angry, sad, or jealous. Burn them away, transmuting them into the fertilizer for your new garden in the Spring.


IMG_0617Enjoy the last blast of color from the trees and may you have a wonderful, peaceful, healthy season.

Love and blessings to all.

Sep 182010

In February, at our last mandala training with Judith Cornell, all of the new interns were required to teach a class. I attended a class with Kaho Koinuma of Hawaii and Japan. She showed us how she created mandalas using gel pens.

Gel Mandala

Over the summer, I created this mandala inspired by Kaho’s work using colored pencils with the addition of gel pens. Thanks Kaho!

Sep 112010

As September 11th approaches, I hear people say “Never Forget”. I lost a friend, the father of a former student as well as my neighbor’s brother. I freaked when I saw the new and smoking skyline from the Whitestone bridge the following week. I will never forget the fear, the pain, the anger, but I will not blame any one group for the act of a few. What I will never forget is that our country was founded on freedom and liberty and justice for all. What I will try to forget is the bigotry and separation that propaganda and the press create. On this 9/11 I will hold the highest intention that we are one and that only though love can we create PEACE and change. Love and blessings of peace and brother/sister-hood to all, especially those personally touched by this tragic day.